3 Dads Walking 2024 Day 6 - East Learmouth to Branton
Our first full day in England took us through north Northumberland. A dreich day that was lit up by the warmth of welcome we received along our way.
Arriving in Wooler we were invited to have lunch at the Cheviot Centre, it was very convivial and we were presented with a cheque for £610 – money raised by the local community at a coffee morning.
Accepting the cheque from Wooler Parish Council
A particular highlight was meeting Sheila at Florin, her shop. Sheila knew George, Sophie’s mum, and has sold copies of George’s Doors of the Camino posters since George had them printed in 2020 and continues to display one in her window.
With Sheila outside her shop - note the poster in the window
During the day we met many more people touched by suicide who shared their stories with us. The pain generated by suicide shatters people and shatters families; we have to do whatever we can to stop others following us down this route.